Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Two week follow up with doctor

At first I was confused when I got taken back for the doctor-they didn't take me straight to x-ray. But Dr. Scheid said they were going to limit my radiation exposure and do my next x-ray when I go back in four weeks. He asked how things were going and looked over my incision and stitches where they scoped. He was concerned about the weeping along the bottom of my incision. I can uncover that part in the shower but then I have to put a clean dressing over it tightly. He also prescribed me some antibiotics in case of infection there. Still no weight on the leg until I go back. I am supposed to mimic walking with crutches by putting the foot of my bad leg flat on the ground. Only the weight of the leg can go on it. He doesn't want me driving until I clear out some pain meds but I can use the recumbant bike. I just need to get to where I can drive myself to the gym. Lastly Denise popped out all of my stiches. Yay! I follow up with him July 28th. I had to do five weeks because of the transition from one job's insurance to the next. I don't want to have to deal with sending bills to Cobra.
Next big milestone: I'm getting all fancied up for a wedding on Saturday. Definitely using the wheelchair for this one!

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