Thursday, August 4, 2011

8 weeks post op!

Wow! Eight weeks, that's like almost two months now. I've been using one crutch since my doctor's appointment and it is EXHAUSTING. I had to pull out my knee brace to help stabilize my left knee while walking on it. My whole leg just feels tired all the time now and I especially feel it in my knee and shin. When I do a little walking around the house without the crutch I noticed that I start getting lower back pain too. This week I have been at a conference at the Gaylord Opryland Resort in Nashville, TN. If you've ever been here or seen pictures you understand how gigantic it is. And I have been walking around this place everyday (after having a 5 hour drive down here) on one crutch. I can't believe all the freaking staircases too! Up one set, down two more, up another, and then finally to your class. There are elevators, but they are so hard to locate. And with all this walking my feet have been KILLING me. Only one more day of it though....Next Monday (Aug. 8th) I start physical therapy. I'm going to a new place this time around that is on my way home from my new job. That way I can go right after work. It's through the Community hospital system in Indianapolis, so I am hoping it is a pretty good set up. I will try to remember to update next week after my first session.

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