Thursday, August 11, 2011

9 weeks & PT

I have finally started physical therapy! I had my first session on Monday and it was pretty painful. She had to check all my ROM and teach me the home exercises that I can do. Then I did the home exercises Tuesday and Wednesday morning. I go back for another session tonight. Most of the exercises are working to try to get me to lift my leg from the hip. This is causing me to have a very angry hip that will yell at me at random times through the day. I am seeing progress though! I feel more normal, I can stand on my left leg in the shower and to repeat exercises with my right leg. I also went up and down the steps normally at work yesterday, but only once to be safe. I actually did it without even thinking about it! I will be having PT twice a week until September 1st and my next follow up with Dr. Scheid is August 31st. School starts next week so my updates are going to become few and far between. Oh! And I am still rocking one crutch. I am hoping next week I can ditch it completely or just start using a cane.

1 comment:

HipRN said...

Go Sami, go! You'll find that as long as you don't push thru the pain for the hip exercises you will get stronger quite fast! Be careful doing too much too fast and developing flexor tendonitis. Glad to read that you were able to do stairs normally and still rocking one crutch:) Be kind to yourself as you start this next phase in recovery and good luck going back to work, Mrs. Straub!!! :)